Chilkur Balaji College of Pharmacy

Chilkur Balaji College of Pharmacy (CBCP)

Aziz Nagar, Moinabad Road, Near T.S. Police Academy, Hyderabad

(Affiliated to JNTUH & Approved by AICTE & PCI, New Delhi)






1.11.the number of courses in each program year-wise. 2. list of Courses (year wise) should be specified on the letter head of HEI with signature of Head of the Institution.
1.21)year-wise list of ALL programs that have been operational by HEI during the assessment period. 2)Brochuer mentioning program offered during last five years. 3)List of Programs on letter head of HEI with signature of Head of the Institution.
2.11)appropriate document duly certified by competent authorities 2) Year wise list of students approved by the affiliating University
2.21)document showing the Reserved category should be mentioned separately for each category as State government / Central Government reservation policy for admission to higher education 2)the number of seats reserved for each of the programmes and the program-wise total authenticated by the Registrar of the affiliating university/admission authority
2.31)authenticated document showing the number of outgoing/final year students in different programs during the assessment period
3.1list of all full time teachers indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period year wise authenticated by the Principal on letter head of HEI.
3.21)Official letter(s) of sanction of posts from the statutory body/Government / Board of Management during the assessment period (year wise)
4.11)List of number of classrooms and seminar hall 2) Geo tagged photos of classrooms and seminar halls
4.21)Audited Statement of income and expenditure duly certified by the Principal and Charted Accountant in case of Privately funded institutions highlighting the salary component. 2)A statement showing the total expenditure excluding the salary component for each of the years certified by the Principal and Charted Accountant
4.3 1)Bills of purchase of computers in the name of HEI 2)Stock register extracts and invoice copy duly certified


1.1.3Kindly provide The letters from the affiliating university inviting the faculty for Assessment /evaluation
1.2.11)List of programs in which CBCS/Elective course system implemented in the last completed academic year certified by the Registrar of the affiliating university. 2)Affiliating University letter stating implementation of CBCS. 3)Structure of the program clearly indicating courses, credits/ Electives as approved by the competent board.
1.2.21)Name of the program, duration, list of students enrolled (with signature of students), curriculum, assessment procedures year-wise 2) Summary report of each program year- wise along with their outcome.
1.2.31)Year-wise List of the students enrolled in the Program as defined in 1.2.2 2) Attendance sheet of student participating with signature
1.3.2 Document showing the experimental learning through project work/field work/internship as prescribed by the affiliating university / affiliating university curriculum.
1.3.3 1)List of students undertaking the field projects / internship program-wise in the last completed academic year along with the details of title, place of work etc. 2) Internship completion certificate / project work completion certificate from the organization where internship / project was completed along with the duration. 3) Report of the field work / sample photographs of the field work / permission letter only for field work from the competent authority
1.4.1 5 Sample Filled in feedback forms from all the stakeholders
1.4.2 1)Stakeholder feedback analysis report signed by the Principal 2)Department wise Action taken Report on feedback signed by the competent authority 3)Document showing the communication with the affiliating University for the Feedback 4)Action taken by the affiliating university on the feedback


2.1.11)Document related to Sanction of intake from affiliating University/ Government/statutory body. 2)Approved admission listyear-wise/ program-wise from the affiliating university.
2.1.2 1)Copy of letter issued by state govt. or Central Government indicating the reserved categories to be considered as per the state rule (in English as applicable) 2) Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and signed by the principal. 3) Admission extract submitted to the state OBC, SC and ST cell every year. 4)Number of seats year marked for the reserved categories
2.2.2 1)Certified list of full time teachers along with the departmental affiliation in the latest completed academic year. 2) List showing the number of students across all year in each of the programs in the latest completed academic year.
2.3.3 issues raised and resolved in the mentor system mentor-wise
2.4.11)Sanction letters indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) by competent authority. 2) List of full time teachers appointed along with their departmental affiliation. 3)Appointment letter of folowing teachers i)T Indira Priyadarshini, ii)A Sunitha Rani,iii)V Anusha,iv)K Hari Krishana, v)A Jyothi Reddy,vi)G Sirja,vii)P Praveen Kumar,viii)U Saileela,ix)U Srinivas,x)K Bikshapathi
2.4.2 Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. Certificates of all the teachers
2.4.3Input edited considering experience of teachers who are still in the HEI 1)List of faculties along with particulars of the date of Appointment in the HEI and years of his experience 2)Experience certificate of all the teachers
2.6.3 1)Result sheet published by the affiliating university attested by the principal. 2)Certified report from Controller Examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree program- wise / year-wise


3.1.2 e-copies of letters from the University indicating the name of the Guide / co- guide recognized
3.2.2 1)Detailed report for each program. 2) Brochure/Geo tagged Photograph with date and captions; title of the workshops / seminars conducted. 3) Details of resource persons
3.3.11)List of faculties along with the name of the research scholars / Guide during the assessment period 2)Document of registration of the research scholar indicating the guide‟s name from the university
3.3.2 1)the link landing to the paper/article 2)the link to the journal website 3)screenshots of research articles clearly showing the title of the article, affiliation, name of the journal, year and authors name if the links and DOI number are not available.
3.3.3 1)Cover page, content page and first page of the selected publication. 2) Web-link of research papers by title, author, Department/ School/ Division/ Centre/ Unit/ Cell, name and year of publication
3.4.21)E-copy of the award letters 2)Any supporting document in relevance to the metric
3.4.3 1)Geo tagged Photographs and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates. 2)Detailed report for each extension and outreach program to be made available, with specific mention of number of students participated and collaborating agency
3.4.4 1)Detailed report for each program extension and outreach program to be made available, with specific mention of number of students participated and collaborating agency. 2) Photographs or any supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates 3)Attendance sheet with signature of students
3.5.1 Copies of collaboration/related documents indicating the nature of collaboration and activities year-wise
3.5.2 1)List of activities conducted under each MoU along with dates of starting and completion year-wise signed by both parties 2) E-copy of the letters showing MOUs with other institutions.


4.1.3 Geo-tagged photographs of ICT enabled class rooms /seminar halls with caption
4.1.4 1)the consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by Finance Officer. 2)Highlight the relevant items in the audited income and expenditure statement.
4.2.2 1)E-copy of the letter of subscription /member ship in the name of HEI. 2)Screenshots of the facilities claimed with the name of HEI. 3) Specific details in respect of e-resources selected.
4.2.3 Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals should be in lakhs only Kindly provide 1)consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years duly attested by Head of the Institution and CA. 2)Audited Income/Expenditure statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books and journals.
4.2.4 1)Certified E-copy of the ledger for footfalls for 5 days of February 2020 2) Certified screenshots of the data for the same 5 days for online access
4.3.2 1)Number of Computers available for student use only 2) Bills for the purchase of computers. 3) Highlight the entries of computers purchased in the stock registers
4.3.3 1)Bills for any one month/one quarter maximum three months old of the latest completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth and the HEI‟s name. 2) E-copy of document of agreement with the service provider
4.4.1 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary should be in lakhs only Kindly provide audited income and expenditure statement highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance o f physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Head of the Institution and CA.


5.1.11)sanction letter of scholarship and free ships.
2) Year-wise list of students in each scheme.
5.1.2Input edited referring data uploaded by HEI
5.1.3 1)Web-link to particular program/scheme mentioned in the metric 2) Copy of circular /brochure /report of the event 3) Geo tagged Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event. 4) List of programs conducted and the number of students enrolled for each of the events
5.1.4 1)Copy of circular/brochure/report of program with photographs and captions of such programs along with the details of the resource persons. 2)Year-wise list of students attending each of these schemes signed by competent authority
5.1.5 1)Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric 2)Proof of constitution of Internal committees / Grievances Committee formation / other committees as per UGC norms
5.2.1 appointment orders of all the students
5.2.2 1)supporting data for students who have joined for higher education in prescribed format for all the years in the assessment period 2)Proof like admission letters or identity cards or higher degree certificates for all the students
5.2.3 1)List of students year- wise under each head 2) Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination year wise under each category

1) Report of the events/along with photographs appropriately dated and captioned year- wise.

2) Copy of circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities.

3) List of students participated in different events year wise.

5.4.2 1)Annual audited statements of accounts of HEI highlighting Alumni contribution duly certified by Chartered Accountant. 2) List of alumnus/alumni with the amount contributed year wise to the institutions


6.2.3 1)Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of E- governance implementation reflected in the audited statement 2)Annual e-governance report approved by Governing Council. 3) Policy document on e- governance
6.3.2 1)Policy document on providing financial support to teachers 2) E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year wise under each head. 3) Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshop s and towards membership fee for professional bodies
6.3.4Kindly provide 1)Refresher course/Faculty Orientation or other programmes as per UGC/AICTE stipulated period participated year wise. 2) E-copy of the certificates of the program attended by teachers. 3) List of participating teachers as per the prescribed format year- wise during the last five years. 4) Annual reports highlighting the programs undertaken by the teaching faculties.
6.5.3 Proceedings of meetings of IQAC, Feedback analysis and action taken report


7.1.2 1)Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities created under this metric. 2) Any other relevant proof for the selected options
7.1.4 1)Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities created under this metric. 2) Any other relevant proof for the selected options
7.1.5 1) Circulars for the implementation of the initiatives and any other supporting document
7.1.6Policy document on environment and energy usage 2) Certificate from the auditing agency. 3) Certificates of the awards received from the recognized agency
7.1.7 1) Link to Geo tagged photos and videos with date and caption 2)Bills and invoice/purchase order/AMC in support of facility 3)Bills for the software procured for providing the assistance
7.1.10 1)Policy document on code of ethics 2)Circulars and geo tagged photographs with caption of the activities organized under the metric for teachers, students, administrators and other staffs
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