Chilkur Balaji College of Pharmacy

Chilkur Balaji College of Pharmacy (CBCP)

Aziz Nagar, Moinabad Road, Near T.S. Police Academy, Hyderabad

(Affiliated to JNTUH & Approved by AICTE & PCI, New Delhi)


Strategic plan and deployment



Selection Committee occupies an important decision point for a smooth and uniform development of the institute. The focus of this policy document is to identify and place right person for the right job and defined level of performance measured by certain of selection.


To identify resourceful and efficient workforce, to develop an organizational work culture where there is a room for every one’s development.

There shall be Staff Selection Committee for the institutional to recommend selection of following categories of staff.

Teaching staff

Non- teaching staff

Teaching staff:

The Staff Selection Committee for the teaching staff for the post of Director, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors shall consist of the following members.

For Professor/Associate Professor / Assistant Professor:

Chairman, Chairman of the Governing Body of the Institute.

Two Vice-Chancellor’s Nominees, out of whom one should be an expert.

One member of the Governing Body

Chairman, Chairman of the Governing Body of the Institute


Selection of teaching posts – The vacancies shall be identified from the roster maintained by the institute/trust before March every year.

After identification of vacancies, qualifications and experience etc., shall be clearly noted against category of each vacant post.

The approval of Governing Body/ Local Managing Committee shall be obtained before a request letter is sent to university for approval of the vacancies.

A request letter shall be sent to university for approval of the vacancies as per the roster and also the approval of the draft advertisement. The posts shall be widely advertised in at least one national and one local newspaper giving fifteen days for receipt of application forms

The application shall be scrutinized by the Office Superintendent in consultation with the Director/Senior faculty nominated for the purpose and a list of eligible candidates shall be prepared.

Call letters shall be sent to the eligible candidates under certificate of posting. The candidates shall be asked to bring their original documents with them on the date of the interview for verification.

On the day of the interview, the candidate’s original documents are verified by the registrar/office superintendent or through a committee appointed for the purpose and placed before the selection committee to facilitate them to conduct the interview.

The selection committee shall prepare the merit list of the selected candidates and recommended them to the university in the prescribed format within 72 hours of the meeting (see appendix. II)


b.Non-Teaching staff:

The staff selection committee for the non-teaching staff shall consist of the         following members.

Chairman, Chairman of the Governing Body or his nominee

Principal of the Institute

One senior most faculty member of the institute

An expert nominated by the Principal

Registrar/ Office superintendent – Member Secretary

For the post of Office Superintendent,

Chairman, Chairman of the Governing Body or his nominee

Principal of the Institute

One senior most faculty member of the institute

An expert nominated by the Principal

The vacancies so identified shall be placed before the Local Managing Committee / Governing Body for their information.

The posts shall be widely advertised in local news paper giving fifteen days form receipt of application forms

The candidates may apply against the posts giving their details regarding local/permanent address, date of birth, category, educational qualification and experience etc., in the prescribed application format.

The application shall be scrutinized by the Registrar/Office Superintendent in consultant with the principal/senior faculty nominated for the purpose and a list of eligible candidates shall be prepared.

A suitable date / dates shall be fixed in the consultation of the staff selection committee members giving clear fifteen days’ notice to the eligible candidates and the members.

Call letter shall be sent to the eligible candidates under certificate of posting. The candidates shall be asked to bring their original document with them on the date of the interview for verification.

On the day of the interview, the candidate’s original documents are verified by the Registrar / Office superintendent or through a committee appointed for the purpose and placed before the selection committee to facilitate them to conduct the interview.

The selection committee shall prepare the merit list of the selected candidates and recommended them to the Chairman of the Governing Body.

In case of urgent needs walk-in-interview may be arranged to fill the vacancies of the non-teaching posts.


                           POLICY ON GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL


A Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the Institute that a student or an employee think, believes, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable.


Linking with a well-defined Disciplinary System to make it acceptable to all.

All action should be prompt for better redressal of Grievance.

To make the redressal process fair, impartial, consistent, with prior warnings and commensurate with gravity of misconduct.

Aim should be on prevention of misconduct rather than controlling through punitive measure.

The objective of the policy is to provide a mechanism for speedily redress the grievance and complaints of the students and employees to their satisfaction in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the institute.

Every College/ Institute shall constitute grievance redressal committee in the beginning of every academic year specifying names of the members of the committee with a tenure of three years.

Understanding the Grievance: (students):


Open Door Policy: student informally drop in the HOD’s room and talk informally over their grievance. They may even present the grievance through the official contact numbers of the said officers.


Suggestion Boxes: Students/employees can drop their anonymous complaints.


Opinion surveys: through mentor and other feedback schemes, the opinion surveys may be conducted for better understanding.


E-mails: Through separate e-mails to HOD, Principal or to the Top Management directly.


Grievance Redressal Procedure:

An aggrieved employee shall first present his/her grievance verbally or in writing to the concerned head of the department. The HOD is required to furnish the answer within 48 hrs. of the presentation of grievance.

If the student is not satisfied with the answer, he/she can approach to the “Disciplinary and Grievance Redressal Committee” which shall evaluate the case and make its recommendations to Principal within seven days of presentation of the case. The student would be communicated the recommendation within 3 days.

If the committee fails to take the decision within the stipulated time or the student is not satisfied with the decision, he/she can an appeal for revision to management. Management is supposed to communicate its decision within seven days of student’s revised appeal

Understanding the Grievance (for employees):

Open Door Policy: Employees informally drop in the principal’s room and talk informally over their grievance. They may present the grievance through the official contact numbers of the principal.

Suggestion boxes: Employees can drop their anonymous complaints.

E-mails: Through separate e-mails to HOD, Registrar, Principal or to the Top Management directly.


Grievance Redressal Procedure (for employees):

An aggrieved employee shall first present his/her grievance verbally or in writing to the concerned head of the department. The HOD is required to furnish the answer within 48 hrs. of the presentation of grievance.


If the employee is not satisfied with the answer, he/she can approach to the “Disciplinary and Grievance Redressal Committee” which shall evaluate the case and make its employee would be communicated the recommendation preferably within 3 days.


If the committee fails to take the decision within the stipulated time or the employee is not satisfied with the decision, he/she can an appeal for revision to management. Management is supposed to communication its decision within seven days of employee’s revised appeal.


If the employee is unsatisfied with the management’s decision, he/she may refer to University of Pune, Pune and/or Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai and/or All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.


Grievance Redressal Committee:

Procedure: There shall be Grievance Redressal Committee constituted at every college / institute.

    Frequency of Meeting: within 02 days from the date of receipt of Complaint.

Quorum of Meeting: At least 04 members, Principal is mandatory.

Tenure of Committee: The Committee shall have tenure of one year.